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Jun 24, 2016

Watch The Universe is-Expanding Faster Than the Laws of Physics Can give details, New Measurements Reveal

Posted by in categories: evolution, particle physics, space

Physicists in the US presently made the most precise measurement ever made of the present rate of growth of the Universe, but there is a problem: our Universe is expanding 8 percent quicker than our present laws of physics can give details. Currently astronomers are looking over once more at their measurements and if turn out to be right, this latest measurement will automatically force us to redefine how dark substance and dark energy have been manipulating the evolution of the Universe for the past 13.8 billion years, and that can’t be done without changing or addition something in the typical model of particle Physics.

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Jun 24, 2016

Dilemma over driverless cars as researchers put ‘sacrifice’ in spotlight

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

I am glad folks are listening. To get buy in for driverless autos will require proof and campaign showing the safety features of a driverless car over non-driverless. Along with this, auto makers will/ MUST prove that these cars cannot be breeched and controlled by hackers. Until we have safety proven and presented to the public like Volvo did in the late 80s; self driving cars will not be adopted broadly; it will be limited to metro cities in the US.

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Jun 24, 2016

A new form of hybrid photodetectors with quantum dots and graphene

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Glad to see others finding value in using Q-Dots with Graphene.

The development of photodetectors has been a matter of considerable interest in the past decades since their applications are essential to many different fields including cameras, medical devices, safety equipment, optical communication devices or even surveying instruments, among others.

Many efforts have been focused towards optoelectronic research in trying to create low cost photodetectors with high sensitivity, high quantum efficiency, high gain and fast photoresponse. This is of paramount importance especially in the short wave infrared which currently is addressed by very expensive III-V InGaAs photodetectors. The development of two main classes of photodetectors, photodiodes and phototransistors, have partially been able to accomplish these goals because even though they both have many outstanding properties, none seem to fulfill all of these requirements. While photodiodes are much faster than phototransistors, phototransistors have a higher gain and do not require low noise preamplifiers for their use.

To overcome these limitations, ICFO researchers Ivan Nikitskiy, Stijn Goossens, Dominik Kufer, Tania Lasanta, Gabriele Navickaite, led by ICREA professors at ICFO Frank Koppens and Gerasimos Konstantatos, have been able to develop a hybrid photodetector capable of attaining concomitantly better performance features in terms of speed, quantum efficiency and linear dynamic range, operating not only in the visible but also in the near infrared (NIR: 700-1400nm) and SWIR range (1400-3000nm). At the same time this technology is based upon materials that can be monolithically integrated with Si CMOS electronics as well as flexible electronic platforms. The results of this work have been recently published in Nature Communications.

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Jun 24, 2016

Russia’s Planning To Develop A Teleportation Device By 2035

Posted by in category: futurism

Good luck with that one Russia. Just to deadly for me.

To teleport from one place to another has, and still remains, one of the most sought-after technologies since it was first conceived in the writings of our greatest science fiction authors.

Few won’t have gawped at Star Trek’s transporter and while we’ve managed to conquer many of the technologies first outlined in the series this one has evaded us so far.

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Jun 24, 2016

These microbes can live on pure electricity

Posted by in categories: biological, particle physics, space

It may seem like something from science fiction, but researchers have found a group of microorganisms that can live off of pure electricity, reports. All life uses electricity, but scientists long thought it impossible for a cell to directly consume and expel electrons. That’s because fatty cell membranes act as insulators, preventing the flow of electricity. Scientists have now found evidence that some cells can discharge electrons through specialized proteins in their membranes, and others can ingest electrons from an electrode by using an enzyme that creates hydrogen atoms. Still others might be able to directly consume electrons, though that research has yet to be published. The findings could help researchers understand how life thrives under a variety of conditions, and how it could exist on places like Mars.

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Jun 23, 2016

Goodbye, Blood Tests. Electronic Noses Can Analyze Your Breath and Diagnose Diseases

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Researchers are building an electronic nose that can accurately detect and distinguish chemicals in your breath, which could lead to earlier diagnosis of diseases and eventually replace blood tests. Beta testing is targeted early in 2018.

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Jun 23, 2016

3D-printed phones herald world of instant electronic everything

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, mobile phones

Circuits can now be 3D-printed directly into electronic devices – meaning factories could spit out new gadgets almost as quickly as we can think them up.

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Jun 23, 2016

Scientists have invented a mind-reading machine that visualises your thoughts

Posted by in category: neuroscience

If you think your mind is the only safe place left for all your secrets, think again, because scientists are making real steps towards reading your thoughts and putting them on a screen for everyone to see.

A team from the University of Oregon has built a system that can read people’s thoughts via brain scans, and reconstruct the faces they were visualising in their heads. As you’ll soon see, the results were pretty damn creepy.

“We can take someone’s memory — which is typically something internal and private — and we can pull it out from their brains,” one of the team, neuroscientist Brice Kuhl, told Brian Resnick at Vox.

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Jun 23, 2016

Should Companies Prepare For Their Employees To Live To 100? — By Gwen Moran | Fast Company

Posted by in categories: business, life extension


“People are increasingly living past 100. That means some big changes for the future of work”

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Jun 23, 2016

Oculus Rift vs. HTC Vive: What we’ve learned after the reviews — By Devindra Hardawar | Engadget

Posted by in category: virtual reality


“Alternatively, you could just avoid this entire first batch of VR hardware altogether.”

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