Selection of Banners

Here's a high resolution version of the above.

Get the above in a high resolution transparent png or psd.

Get the above in a high resolution transparent png or psd.
The above in a nontransparent format: png or psd.

Our full-size logo is
available. A white background version is also
We now use the font Purista Web for "lifeboat foundation" and Logotypia
for "SAFEGUARDING HUMANITY". The blue text is #369bf5 for a black
background and #1b5fb5 for a white background. The grey text is #bbb
for a black background and #333 for a white background.
We can create a customized Lifeboat Foundation banner of any size for no
charge. Just email
[email protected] with the subject “Lifeboat Foundation banner” and
include your specific requirements in the message.