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The Lifeboat Foundaton has just launched three books! They are:

  1. The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen — and What to Do, Fourth Edition by Daniel Berleant. Read the paperback and Kindle versions.

    “Imaginative yet substantive, readable yet science oriented, and occasionally humorous, this book proposes future scenarios spanning from the current century to nearly eternity. Most chapters offer a concluding section with recommendations.”

    Zoltan Istvan, author of The Transhumanist Wager, says “Mandatory reading for anyone trying to grasp where civilization is heading.”

    Check out this screenshot from the site for the upcoming movie The Gunrunner Billy Kane.

    Use our comments form to submit comments about this book or join in the discussions at our The Human Race to the Future Facebook group where you can interact with the author.

  2. Prospects for Human Survival, Second Edition by Willard H. Wells. Read the paperback and Kindle versions.

    “Advanced technologies such as computers, genetics, nanotech, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) are progressing at an accelerating pace. Wells shows that the pace is too rapid for us to safely adapt. He makes a strong case for developing friendly superhuman AI as quickly as possible, hopefully a nurturing artificial overlord that will protect us from ourselves. The danger is that it will not be as friendly as we hope, but the alternative is unacceptable risk.”

  3. Visions of the Future, Second Edition edited by J. Daniel Batt. Afterword by David Brin. Read the paperback and Kindle versions.

    “In Visions of the Future you’ll find stories and essays about artificial intelligence, androids, faster-than-light travel, and the extension of human life. You’ll read about the future of human institutions and culture. But these literary works are more than just a reprisal of the classical elements of science fiction and futurism. At their core, each of these pieces has one consistent, repeated theme: us.”

    This is our top seller due to its countless contributions by top scientists and science fiction authors.