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Aug 11, 2016

UW research fuels mini solar cells

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, solar power, sustainability

Scientist looks to tap the sun to power adjustable contact lenses, other medical devices.

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Aug 11, 2016

Electroluminescent diamonds could serve as the heart of quantum networks

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, space

Believe me there are more things coming in this diamond space.

Doped, carefully point-flawed diamonds are crucial to this quantum communications architecture.

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Aug 11, 2016

National Science Foundation

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, life extension, science, singularity

Interesting read; like the plug by Rajeev Alur about how the insights from the ExCAPE project has helped advance making QC programmable. Like Alur, I too see many synergies across multiple areas of science & tech. For example, the work on singularity is being advance by the work performed around anti-aging, cancer research, etc. and vice versa. Truly one of my biggest enjoyments of research and innovation is taking a accept or vision, and guessing where else can the concept be leveraged or even advancing other industries.

NSF’s mission is to advance the progress of science, a mission accomplished by funding proposals for research and education made by scientists, engineers, and educators from across the country.

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Aug 11, 2016

Remote control of the brain is coming: how will we use it?

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics, neuroscience

Controlling the minds of others from a distance has long been a favourite science fiction theme – but recent advances in genetics and neuroscience suggest that we might soon have that power for real. Just over a decade ago, the bioengineer Karl Deisseroth and his colleagues at Stanford University published their paper on the optical control of the brain – now known as optogenetics – in which the firing pattern of neurons is controlled by light. To create the system, they retrofitted neurons in mouse brains with genes for a biomolecule called channelrhodopsin, found in algae. Channelrhodopsin uses energy from light to open pathways so that charged ions can flow into cells. The charged ions can alter the electrical activity of neurons, influencing the animal’s behaviour along the way.

Soon researchers were using implants to guide light to channelrhodopsin in specific neurons in the brains of those mice, eliciting behaviour on demand. At the University of California the team of Anatol Kreitzer worked with Deisseroth to disrupt movement, mimicking Parkinson’s disease and even restoring normal movement in a Parkinsonian mouse. Deisseroth and his colleague Luis de Lecea later demonstrated that it was possible to wake up mice by activating a group of neurons in the brain that control arousal and sleep.

But optogenetics has been challenging. Since light does not easily penetrate dense fatty brain tissue, researchers must implant a fibre-optic cable to bring light into the brain. This limitation led to the development of another, less intrusive technique known as DREADD (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs). In this case, a receptor normally activated by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is modified to respond to a designer drug not normally found in the body. When the designer drug is delivered, neurons can be manipulated and behaviour changed over a number of hours. The major drawback here: the slow course of drug administration compared with the rapid changes in brain activity that occur during most tasks.

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Aug 11, 2016

Paralysed patients move limbs after virtual reality training

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, neuroscience, robotics/AI, virtual reality

Eight completely paralysed people have regained function in their limbs following virtual reality training, in an accidental result that has astonished even the scientists involved.

Using a brain-machine interface, scientists showed that people with long-term severe paralysis could retrain the few remaining connections in their damaged spines, letting their brains talk to their extremities once more. This enabled them to feel sensation, move their limbs and improved their bladder and bowel control.

The results came about as a wholly unexpected side effect of training to help people use robotic exoskeletons, which let them walk upright.

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Aug 11, 2016

The gene therapy revolution is coming. Will the US get left behind?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, economics, law

US lawmakers have saddled American biotech with another legal restriction, and scientists are only partially engaging with this looming medical and economic problem.

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Aug 11, 2016

LHC-style supercolliders are entering a make or break phase

Posted by in categories: particle physics, space

As the Large Hadron Collider’s first sign of a superparticle melts away, physicists must contemplate their nightmare scenario, says Gavin Hesketh

By Gavin Hesketh

Particle physics finds itself in testing times. This branch of science aims to describe the universe by pulling it apart into its most fundamental building blocks, or particles, and putting them back together in a way that explains how everything works.

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Aug 11, 2016

Nexus: Choosing Sides In The Trans-Human Revolution

Posted by in category: futurism

Beyond the fights and the chases in Ramez Naam’s Nexus trilogy, it is an opportunity to consider how technology might move some humans beyond humanity, says astrophysicist Adam Frank.

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Aug 11, 2016

There’s a mysterious object doing a crazy loop around our solar system — and scientists have no idea what it is

Posted by in category: space

Scientists have nicknamed it “Niku,” which means rebellious in Chinese. And the object’s reckless behavior has scientists scratching their heads.

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Aug 11, 2016

Quantum dots with impermeable shell used as a powerful tool for “nano-engineering”

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, chemistry, engineering, nanotechnology, quantum physics, wearables

I never get tired of talking about the many uses for Q-dot technology. One area that has me even more intrigued is how it is used in crystallized formations. I expect to see more and more experimenting on crystalized formations on many fronts including complex circuitry for performance and storage.

And, with synthetic technology today plus 3D printing along with Q-dots we could (as I have eluded to many times over several months) truly begin to see some amazing technology be developed on the wearable tech front.

Wearables could include synthetic circuitry stones in various accessories to not only store information, but also serve as another form of unique id because in synthetic stones we have been able (like in nature) create complex crystalized formations that are each unique/ 1 of a kind like a unique finger print, or iris of an eye. I expect to see some very interesting things coming in this space.

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