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Aug 22, 2016

Ray Kurzweil Explains Why Radical Life Extension Will Be Better Than You Think

Posted by in categories: life extension, Ray Kurzweil

And, a few words from Ray.

According to Ray Kurzweil, we’re approaching a time when humans will begin to radically extend their lifespans. This sounds good on the surface, but will we have enough resources to support everyone? And won’t living indefinitely get boring eventually? Not so much, Kurzweil says.

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Aug 22, 2016

NASA Funds Plan to Turn Used Rocket Fuel Tanks Into Space Habitats

Posted by in categories: habitats, space travel

The first stage launches the rocket off of the pad and continues firing for about four minutes. Once the first stage is out of fuel, it separates, and if it’s a SpaceX Falcon 9, flies back home to be reused. If it’s anything else, including the Atlas V, the first stage crash lands in the ocean and sinks. Meanwhile, the second stage fires up its own engine (or engines) to boost the payload the rest of the way into orbit. On the Atlas V, the second stage is called Centaur. Once Centaur gets its payload where it needs to go, it separates, and then suicides down into Earth’s atmosphere.

Getting a payload into space is so expensive because you have to build up this huge and complicated rocket, with engines and guidance systems and fuel tanks and stuff, and then you basically use it for like 15 minutes and throw it all away. This is why SpaceX is trying so hard to recover the first stage of the Falcon 9. But what about the second stage? You’ve got a whole bunch of hardware that made it to orbit, and when getting stuff to orbit costs something like $2,500 per kilogram, you then tell it to go it burn itself up in the atmosphere, because otherwise it’s just useless space junk.

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Aug 22, 2016

DARPA to establish satellite-servicing consortium to discuss on-orbit repair standards

Posted by in categories: government, robotics/AI, satellites

A first step in establishing repair standards on satellite in space; wonder could we eventually see a version of the EPA or in space.

SAN FRANCISCO — The U.S. Defense Research Projects Agency plans to establish a consortium to discuss standards and practices for on-orbit satellite servicing as a corollary to Robotic Servicing of Geostationary Satellites (RSGS), an effort to develop robotic spacecraft to inspect, repair and move other satellites.

“Our fear was that we would create a robotic servicing capability through RSGS and when our industry partner went to Lloyds of London for insurance, someone would say, ‘You have no authority to conduct that mission,’” said Brad Tousley, director of DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office.

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Aug 22, 2016

NASA: Sea Ice Settling into ‘New Normal’

Posted by in category: environmental


Arctic melting slowed enough in midsummer that scientists don’t expect this year’s sea ice minimum to set a new record. Yet, the latest sea ice data collected by NASA suggests a dire state of affairs.

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Aug 22, 2016

Robust photon-pair source survives rocket explosion

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, space

Another discovery from a rocket launch.

A sensitive quantum device, designed to operate on a nanosatellite, was recovered from explosion debris and displays no degradation in quality.

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Aug 22, 2016

New bioimaging technique offers clear view of nervous system

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, life extension, neuroscience

More info. on some research that I came across a few weeks ago on a new bioimaging technique to help map and understand the nervous system which is one of the hardest areas of the brain to map and monitor — this is truly groundbreaking on so many fronts such as precision meds. research, computer mapping of the brain and neuro pathways, etc. If will be very impressive to see how much this accelerates the efforts in finding a cure for diseases such as Dystonia.

MUNICH, Germany, Aug. 22 (UPI) — Scientists at Ludwig Maximilian University have developed a technique for turning the body of a deceased rodent entirely transparent, revealing the central nervous system in unprecedented clarity.

Researchers are hopeful the new and improved view will help scientists understand how traumatic brain injuries, strokes and aging yield chronic disorders like dementia and epilepsy.

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Aug 22, 2016

Light and matter merge in quantum coupling

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Where light and matter intersect, the world illuminates. Where light and matter interact so strongly that they become one, they illuminate a world of new physics, according to Rice University scientists.

Rice physicists are closing in on a way to create a new state in which all the electrons in a material act as one by manipulating them with and a magnetic field. The effect made possible by a custom-built, finely tuned cavity for terahertz radiation shows one of the strongest light-matter coupling phenomena ever observed.

The work by Rice physicist Junichiro Kono and his colleagues is described in Nature Physics. It could help advance technologies like quantum computers and communications by revealing new phenomena to those who study cavity quantum electrodynamics and , Kono said.

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Aug 22, 2016

Indian Railways eyeing speed with Gatimaan Express, Talgo trains, but Tesla chief Elon Musk’s Hyperloop is a game changer

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, government, quantum physics, transportation

I can see ads now with Ozzy’s “Crazy Train” playing in the background.

There’s no doubt India needs faster trains. The NDA government has set the ball rolling by launching the Gatimaan Express. Trials are on with the Spanish Talgo trains on the Delhi-Mumbai route and Japan has agreed to provide soft loans for the proposed Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train. But, for achieving a one-time quantum jump in technology, the possibility of introducing the Hyperloop—Tesla’s Elon Musk’s concept of moving people and goods at high speeds in capsules within tubes using powerful magnets—could be a game-changer. Going by current speeds, Hyperloop can crunch a one-way Delhi-Mumbai trip to just one hour. The advantages are numerous—much faster travel, limited land acquisition and lower building cost that could lead to cheaper travel.

It is still early days as far as Hyperloop is concerned. Two companies, Hyperloop Technologies and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, are in talks with 10 countries including China and India for introduction.

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Aug 22, 2016

Relativity Predicts Universal Wormhole

Posted by in categories: cosmology, quantum physics

Matterless wormhole theory predicts a potential universal wormhole. Researcher James Goetz theorizes that extra-dimensional relativity indicates a possible omnicluster of matterless wormholes or in other words a universal wormhole. Amazing properties of the wormhole include no dimensions and zero distance to all points in the universe. Moreover, a hypothetical observer in the wormhole could observe a universal chronology despite the relativity of time. This modifies the theory of relativity.

The theory is part of Goetz’s introduction to the natural theology called semiclassical theism. Goetz proposes a model of God, time, and creation that fits with modern physics, such as relativity, quantum mechanics, quantum gravity, Big Bang cosmology, zero-energy universe and multiverse geometry. This is a theory of everything.

Apart from physics, the universal wormhole theory helps to explain the theology of divine omniscience and omnipresence. Also, semiclassical theism proposes that God is omnipresent in tenseless eternity and tensed creation.

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Aug 22, 2016

Quantum Physicists Eager To Hear What Frank At The Pub Reckons They Should Study

Posted by in categories: cosmology, quantum physics

Actually, I know many scientists and techies who hang out with the average Joe or Jill to get their minds off of being 1 dimensional and as a result gives them the recharge they need for innovation and creativity.

Quantum physicists studying the edges of our understanding of the universe are reportedly very eager to hear what Frank down at the local reckons they should study next, following Treasurer Scott Morrison’s warning that research should pass the ‘pub test’.

Morrison warned against esoteric, pointless research that costs an abundance of public money and has only lead to major, world-changing breakthroughs in unexpected areas a few times. Instead, the Treasurer has advised that before engaging in any boring and elitist research that only people specifically studying the field would care about, scientists should head down to the pub and check in with Frank to see what he thinks.

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