

Archive for the ‘transhumanism’ category: Page 127

Sep 4, 2015

This Presidential Candidate Is Promising Immortality

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, life extension, transhumanism

AOL running an energetic 2-min video on transhumanism and longevity on their morning show:

Zoltan Istvan of the Transhumanist Party is running for President on one platform: longevity.

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Aug 28, 2015

Meet The Anti-Death Presidential Candidate

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, life extension, transhumanism

My 4 min interview on transhumanism and longevity with BuzzFeed came out as a stand-alone video. About 800 comments under the YouTube video:

Because we all deserve a chance at immortality!

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Aug 26, 2015

This guy is running for president with the goal of using science to cure death and aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, geopolitics, life extension, transhumanism

A new story on transhumanism from Tech Insider which is Business Insider’s new tech site:

This presidential candidate wants you to live forever.

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Aug 25, 2015

Vote or die? Meet the presidential candidate who wants to live forever

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, life extension, transhumanism

A new article from The Daily Dot on transhumanism and my campaign:

The Daily Dot is the hometown newspaper of the World Wide Web, reporting on Reddit, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more.

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Aug 21, 2015

Kid Gets Awesome New Bionic Hand, Reminds Us Not Everything is Garbage

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, transhumanism

The stock market is tanking, North and South Korea are on the brink of war, and a cartoon character from a dystopian future is the most popular candidate for US President at the moment. But don’t despair. While most things are garbage, there are some things in the world that aren’t. Like this adorable kid who just got his own high-tech bionic hand.

Nine-year-old Josh Cathcart was often bullied in school for having just one hand. But he’s about to become the coolest kid in school, thanks to his new i-limb, developed by a company called Touch Bionics. The hand can be programmed via an iPad app.

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Aug 16, 2015

Does Technology Control Your Life? • It’s Personal

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, transhumanism

A video on transhumanism, the Transhumanist Party, and my presidential campaign is out on BuzzFeed. It starts right before the 8-min mark and goes for 5 minutes. YouTube: and BuzzFeed site:…jfGPZ2bka

We’re all going to die. Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! MUSIC Lizard Lounge Mrs Rossas Smile Pluck And Blow Und…

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Aug 12, 2015

What is biohacking? — By What’s Tech | The Verge

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, transhumanism

“We have a few cyborgs on staff. Ben Popper is arguably the reporter best known for peeling back his skin to insert a piece of technology, which he chronicled in his feature, Cyborg America. But others have gone under the knife. I wanted to know why. You know, because I have crippling FOMO.”

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Aug 10, 2015

Why I Advocate for Becoming a Machine

Posted by in categories: energy, geopolitics, neuroscience, transhumanism

My new story for Vice Motherboard exploring the human journey into eventually becoming a machine: And also if you haven’t donated to the Immortality Bus Indiegogo campaign, there are only a few hours left to do so:…406#/story

Biology is simply not the best system out there for our species’ evolution. It’s frail, terminal, and needs to be upgraded. In fact, even machines may be upgraded in the future too, and rendered as junk as our intelligences figure out ways to become beings of pure organized energy. “Onward” is the classic transhumanist mantra.

No matter what happens, to move forward in the transhumanist age, we need to let go of our egos and our shallow sense of identity; in short, we need to get over ourselves. The permanence of our species lies in our ability to reason, think, and remember who we are and where we’ve been. The rest is just an impermanent shell that changes—and it has already been changing for tens of millions of years in the form of sentient evolution.

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Aug 10, 2015

Zoltan Istvan — Transhumanist — PART 1/2

Posted by in categories: entertainment, geopolitics, neuroscience, transhumanism

An interview on transhumanism done by London Real:

Zoltan Istvan — Transhumanist — PART 1/2. FREE FULL EPISODE: This week’s guest on London Real is Zoltan Istvan, US Presidential candidate for the Transhumanist Party. Istvan’s stated aim is to “change the conversation” on transhumanism.

Transhumanism could be described as the use of technology to enhance human capabilities, both mental and physical.

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Aug 10, 2015

I Millennials camperanno cent’anni o anche più. Ma se lo potranno permettere?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, geopolitics, life extension, robotics/AI, transhumanism

This is an interesting story in one of Italy’s top 3 papers/sites about life extension science and millennials living beyond 100 years of age. It also features transhumanism:…ermettere/ and the English:…rev=search

Le tendenze della statistica ci dicono che chi oggi ha vent’anni ha ottime probabilità di arrivare ai cento in buona salute. Forse anche molto di più, se avranno successo le battaglie del Partito Transumanista che si presenta alle elezioni americane del 2016 con l’obiettivo di puntare più risorse sulla lotta all’invecchiamento. Ma come si configura un mondo di persone tanto longeve? L’allungamento della vita potrà beneficiare tutte le popolazioni o soltanto una fascia di privilegiati? Già oggi la speranza di vita nei Paesi più poveri è mediamente inferiore di 18 anni rispetto ai Paesi più ricchi e anche in Italia ci sono tre anni di differenza tra Milano e Napoli. E come si ridisegna un sistema sociale nel quale le persone vivranno venti o trent’anni più di oggi?

Un autobus rosso a forma di bara, con tanto di fiori finti sul tetto, percorre le strade degli Stati Uniti. Lo ha voluto il leader del Partito transumanista Zoltan Istvan, candidato alle elezioni presidenziali del 2016. Istvan non diventerà presidente, ma il suo messaggio non è banale: con il suo tour elettorale, vuole attirare l’attenzione sulla battaglia contro l’invecchiamento. Chiede più fondi per la ricerca e per le cure sanitarie, più carriere nelle attività tecnologiche, nell’intelligenza artificiale e nella medicina.

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