Aug 30, 2011
I am the Scientist Who Proved That CERN Attempts to Kill You
Posted by Otto E. Rössler in categories: existential risks, particle physics
CERN continues even though the matter is before the UN Security Council.
There is no counterproof to my published and public results. Presently the odds that the planet will be shrunk to 2 cm in perhaps 5 years’ time are 1:70, to be raised to 1:30 in the next two months if CERN continues.
Everyone who loves his child or his life or the planet by a higher factor is my ally. Please, request a response from your mayor and priest and counselor and merchant and newspaper office.
The best advisor in such an unprecedented situation may be your child since children still have a connection to heaven.
But hurry up. Maybe you are even a member of a social network?