

Archive for the ‘cosmology’ category: Page 360

Nov 2, 2017

Neutron star merger confirms decades of predictions

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

While black hole collisions produce almost no signature other than gravitational waves, the collision of neutron stars can be — and was — observed up and down the electromagnetic spectrum. “When neutron stars collide, all hell breaks loose,” said Frans Pretorius, a Princeton physics professor. “They start producing a tremendous amount of visible light, and also gamma rays, X-rays, radio waves…”

Princeton researchers have been studying neutron stars and their astronomical signatures for decades.

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Oct 28, 2017

Artificial intelligence finds 56 new gravitational lens candidates

Posted by in categories: cosmology, information science, robotics/AI

A group of astronomers from the universities of Groningen, Naples and Bonn has developed a method that finds gravitational lenses in enormous piles of observations. The method is based on the same artificial intelligence algorithm that Google, Facebook and Tesla have been using in the last years. The researchers published their method and 56 new gravitational lens candidates in the November issue of Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

When a galaxy is hidden behind another galaxy, we can sometimes see the hidden one around the front system. This phenomenon is called a gravitational lens, because it emerges from Einstein’s general relativity theory which says that mass can bend light. Astronomers search for because they help in the research of dark matter.

The hunt for gravitational lenses is painstaking. Astronomers have to sort thousands of images. They are assisted by enthusiastic volunteers around the world. So far, the search was more or less in line with the availability of new images. But thanks to new observations with special telescopes that reflect large sections of the sky, millions of images are added. Humans cannot keep up with that pace.

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Oct 23, 2017

Newfound Wormhole Allows Information to Escape Black Holes

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

Physicists theorize that a new “traversable” kind of wormhole could resolve a baffling paradox and rescue information that falls into black holes.

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Oct 12, 2017

The Multiverse Is Inevitable, And We’re Living In It

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

Although it might not be observable, if our current theories of physics are correct, the multiverse must exist.

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Oct 4, 2017

Are Space, Time, And Gravity All Just Illusions?

Posted by in categories: cosmology, information science, particle physics, quantum physics

Pioneered by Erik Verlinde, the idea is that gravity emerges from a more fundamental phenomenon in the Universe, and that phenomenon is entropy.

“Sound waves emerge from molecular interactions; atoms emerge from quarks, gluons and electrons and the strong and electromagnetic interactions; planetary systems emerge from gravitation in General Relativity. But in the idea of entropic gravity — as well as some other scenarios (like qbits) — gravitation or even space and time themselves might emerge from other entities in a similar fashion. There are well-known, close relationships between the equations that govern thermodynamics and the ones that govern gravitation. It’s known that the laws of thermodynamics emerge from the more fundamental field of statistical mechanics, but is there something out there more fundamental from which gravity emerges? That’s the idea of entropic gravity.”

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Sep 28, 2017

Quantum teleportation through time-shifted AdS wormholes

Posted by in categories: cosmology, quantum physics

Scholarly paper on building a time machine:

“Quantum teleportation through time-shifted AdS wormholes.

(Submitted on 30 Aug 2017)

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Sep 12, 2017

UV emission linked to Supernova explosion mechanism

Posted by in category: cosmology

Supernovae are an explosion of a massive supergiant star which may shine with the brightness of 10 billion suns! The study of these phenomena has unlocked mysteries about black holes, the origin of metals such as gold and the dynamic of the universe. Supernovae are rare — the last supernova seen in our galaxy was recorded in 1604, according to NASA. However, the Universe is large and astronomers estimated that one of the Milky Way’s massive stars explodes about every 50 years on average [1].

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Sep 7, 2017

What would happen if you fell into a black hole

Posted by in category: cosmology

Two possibilities.

(Via Hashem Al-Ghaili)

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Aug 31, 2017

Does Dark Energy Change Over Time?

Posted by in category: cosmology

Scientists are considering whether the mysterious “force” accelerating the universe’s expansion changes with time.

Of late there’s been some scientific ado over a small but notable conflict in measurements of the universe’s expansion rate. The present rate, called the Hubble constant or H0 (pronounced “H-naught”), connects the redshift in an object’s spectra to its physical distance. It also tells us the universe’s age and size, as well as the density required to make the universe geometrically flat.

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Aug 28, 2017

Black hole models contradicted by hands-on tests

Posted by in category: cosmology

A long-standing but unproven assumption about the X-ray spectra of black holes in space has been contradicted by hands-on experiments performed at Sandia National Laboratories’ Z machine.

Z, the most energetic laboratory X-ray source on Earth, can duplicate the X-rays surrounding black holes that otherwise can be watched only from a great distance and then theorized about.

“Of course, emission directly from black holes cannot be observed,” said Sandia researcher and lead author Guillaume Loisel, lead author for a paper on the experimental results, published in August in Physical Review Letters. “We see emission from surrounding matter just before it is consumed by the black hole. This surrounding matter is forced into the shape of a disk, called an accretion disk.”

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