

Archive for the ‘cosmology’ category: Page 263

Jul 20, 2020

Monster Black Hole Found in the Early Universe – 1.5 Billion Times More Massive Than Our Sun

Posted by in category: cosmology

The second most distant quasar ever discovered now has a Hawaiian name.

Astronomers have discovered the second most distant quasar ever found, using the international Gemini Observatory and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), Programs of NSF’s NOIRLab. It is also the first quasar to receive an indigenous Hawaiian name, Pōniuāʻena. The quasar contains a monster black hole, twice the mass of the black hole in the only other quasar found at the same epoch, challenging the current theories of supermassive black hole formation and growth in the early Universe.

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Jul 20, 2020

Waterloo scientists help create 3D map of the universe

Posted by in category: cosmology

Scientists at the University of Waterloo played a big role in a 20-year global project to make a 3D map of the universe, which will help improve knowledge about the expansion of the universe.

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Jul 19, 2020

Magnetic Wormhole Created in Lab

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics, robotics/AI

Ripped from the pages of a sci-fi novel, physicists have crafted a wormhole that tunnels a magnetic field through space.

“This device can transmit the magnetic field from one point in space to another point, through a path that is magnetically invisible,” said study co-author Jordi Prat-Camps, a doctoral candidate in physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain. “From a magnetic point of view, this device acts like a wormhole, as if the magnetic field was transferred through an extra special dimension.”

The idea of a wormhole comes from Albert Einstein’s theories. In 1935, Einstein and colleague Nathan Rosen realized that the general theory of relativity allowed for the existence of bridges that could link two different points in space-time. Theoretically these Einstein-Rosen bridges, or wormholes, could allow something to tunnel instantly between great distances (though the tunnels in this theory are extremely tiny, so ordinarily wouldn’t fit a space traveler). So far, no one has found evidence that space-time wormholes actually exist. [Science Fact or Fiction? The Plausibility of 10 Sci-Fi Concepts].

Jul 19, 2020

Bold Plan to Determine If Planet Nine Is a Primordial Black Hole

Posted by in categories: cosmology, futurism

Scientists at Harvard University and the Black Hole Initiative (BHI) have developed a new method to find black holes in the outer solar system, and along with it, determine once-and-for-all the true nature of the hypothesized Planet Nine. The paper, accepted to, highlights the ability of the future Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) mission to observe accretion flares, the presence of which could prove or rule out Planet Nine as a black hole.

Dr. Avi Loeb, Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science at Harvard, and Amir Siraj, a Harvard undergraduate student, have developed the new method to search for black holes in the outer solar system, based on flares that result from the disruption of intercepted comets. The study suggests that the LSST has the capability to find black holes by observing for accretion flares resulting from the impact of small Oort cloud objects.

“In the vicinity of a black hole, small bodies that approach it will melt as a result of heating from the background accretion of gas from the interstellar medium onto the black hole,” said Siraj. “Once they melt, the small bodies are subject to tidal disruption by the black hole, followed by accretion from the tidally disrupted body onto the black hole.” Loeb added, “Because black holes are intrinsically dark, the radiation that matter emits on its way to the mouth of the black hole is our only way to illuminate this dark environment.”

Jul 18, 2020

28 ‘Cocooned’ Black Holes Found Hiding in Plain Sight

Posted by in category: cosmology

New research re-examining old data showed that 28 objects previously described as distant galaxies or dim black holes are in fact bright, shrouded supermassive black holes.

Jul 17, 2020

For The First Time Ever, Astronomers Have Witnessed a Black Hole ‘Blink’

Posted by in categories: cosmology, materials

Black holes don’t glow — in fact, they’re famous for doing the opposite. But if they’re actively devouring material from the space around them, that material can blaze like a billion X-ray Suns.

And for the first time, astronomers have now seen that blaze mysteriously snuffed out, before gradually returning to brightness.

The supermassive black hole is a beast clocking in at 19 million solar masses, powering a galactic nucleus 275 million light-years away, in a galaxy called 1ES 1927+654.

Jul 16, 2020

Artficial black hole engine: “Quasar drive”

Posted by in categories: cosmology, space travel

The birthchild of Isaac Arthur, the genius of futurism and
second only to Carl Sagan introduces the idea of
’Quasar drives’.

Small artificially created black holes can be used to harness
incredible amounts of energy.

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Jul 15, 2020

Nuclear blast sends star hurtling across galaxy

Posted by in category: cosmology

A star has been sent hurtling across the galaxy after undergoing a partial supernova, astronomers say.

A supernova is a powerful explosion that occurs when some stars reach the ends of their lives; in this case, the blast was not sufficient to destroy it.

Instead, it sent the star hurtling through space at 900,000 km/hr.

Jul 14, 2020

“Blinding Whole Galaxies, Destroying Millions of Worlds” –Rare Short Gamma Ray Burst Detected

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

A short gamma ray burst left the most-distant optical afterglow ever detected –incredibly faint and fast signals sometimes lasting mere hours–some 10 billion light years away, 3.8 billion years after the Big Bang. Astronomers suspect that up to one-third of all short gamma ray bursts come from merging neutron stars in globular clusters of old stars blinding whole galaxies with light and destroying millions of worlds. Known as SGRB181123B, it is the second most-distant well-established SGRB ever detected and the most distant event with an optical afterglow.

The appearance of an SGRB at such an early time, report astronomers at the Keck Observatory and Northwestern University could alter theories about their origins, particularly the length of time it takes two neutron stars to merge and produce these powerful explosions, as well as the rate of neutron star mergers in the young universe.

“This was a very exciting object to study,” said Kerry Paterson, a postdoctoral associate at Northwestern University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) and lead author of the study. “Our research now suggests neutron star mergers could occur surprisingly quickly for some systems — with neutron star binaries spiraling together in less than a billion years to create an SGRB.”

Jul 13, 2020

Elon Musk on How to Travel Faster than Light Speed “Space travels faster than the speed of light”

Posted by in categories: cosmology, Elon Musk, physics, space travel

“There is conceivably a way to do warp drive.” Elon Musk discusses warping space within the known laws of physics, the expansion of the universe being faster than the speed of light (which allow us to see back in time when looking into space) and dark matter.