

Archive for the ‘cosmology’ category: Page 252

Oct 4, 2020

Scientists conduct a gravity test at the edge of a black hole for the first time

Posted by in category: cosmology

Using the famous picture of a black hole captured last year, scientists measured gravity at the edge of black hole M87*.

Oct 4, 2020

Astronomers Find Monster Black Hole With 6 Galaxies Trapped in Its Gravitational Web

Posted by in category: cosmology

Astronomers have discovered six galaxies ensnared in the cosmic “spider’s web” of a supermassive black hole soon after the Big Bang, according to research published Thursday that could help explain the development of these enigmatic monsters.

Black holes that emerged early in the history of the Universe are thought to have formed from the collapse of the first stars, but astronomers have puzzled over how they expanded into giants.

The newly discovered black hole — which dates from when the Universe was not even a billion years old — weighs in at 1 billion times the mass of our Sun and was spotted by the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

Oct 4, 2020

Hubble Detects Smallest Known Dark Matter Clumps

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

Using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and a new observing technique, astronomers have found that dark matter forms much smaller clumps than previously known. This result confirms one of the fundamental predictions of the widely accepted “cold dark matter” theory.

All galaxies, according to this theory, form and are embedded within clouds of dark matter. Dark matter itself consists of slow-moving, or “cold,” particles that come together to form structures ranging from hundreds of thousands of times the mass of the Milky Way galaxy to clumps no more massive than the heft of a commercial airplane. (In this context, “cold” refers to the particles’ speed.)

The Hubble observation yields new insights into the nature of dark matter and how it behaves. “We made a very compelling observational test for the cold dark matter model and it passes with flying colors,” said Tommaso Treu of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), a member of the observing team.

Oct 3, 2020

Why some physicists really think there’s a ‘mirror universe’ hiding in space-time

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

What happens if you turn space-time upside-down?

A cycle of false tabloid claims that NASA had discovered a “parallel universe” papered over a far deeper story about particles, the cosmos, and what happens when you turn spacetime upside-down.

Oct 2, 2020

Hubble Space Telescope watches stunning supernova fade over a full year

Posted by in category: cosmology

The Hubble hits keep on coming.

The Hubble Space Telescope checked in on a supernova over the course of a year, watching the bright explosion gradually dim.

Oct 1, 2020

See a supernova go from bright to oblivion in striking Hubble Space Telescope time-lapse

Posted by in category: cosmology

NASA and ESA watched the remnants of a star go from the radiance of 5 billion suns to almost nothing over the course of a year.

Sep 30, 2020

Review on Gravitational wave propulsion

Posted by in categories: cosmology, nuclear energy, physics, space travel

Gravitational Wave Propulsion 🤔 ⤵️ check the abstract.

This paper sums up aftereffects of past examinations, including proposed models, so as to construct an advanced hypothetical structure for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The structure com prises of groups of generators of gravitational waves, which have been hypothesized yet require experimentation, and models of push age. High effectiveness generators depend on cognizant sources, for example synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, in light of cognizant turn 2 changes in s-wave/d-wave super conductors, and the atomic electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-changing over transducer, in view of dineutrons. After gravitational wave age is effectively demonstrated in the research center, it will be pos-sible to apply an idea created in the field of cosmology. It was discovered that the back-ground vitality thick ness may offer mass to the graviton, which thus may permit gravi tons to produce push. Nearby foundation vitality thickness can be expanded by accusing materials of high dielectric steady in close ness to the wave producing components. Centered Gravitational Waves may likewise create singularities, where the radiation is changed over into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitation al singularities will set a n-body floating framework among them selves, the rocket, and the rest of the assortments of the universe, with clear propulsive impacts. Uses of the current examination will prompt an extraordinary drive framework fit for empowering the quick investigation of the nearby planetary group, the neigh borhood star framework, and potentially the entire system. On a general basis, a vehicle traveling in space requires energy and a reaction mass to accelerate and reach useful speeds. Usually the reaction mass is the mass of the pro- pellant, which in most circumstances has also the role of energy source. Vehicles that are not required to carry re- action masses are more efficient and light weight, but con- ventional ones are limited in scope. It is a fact that, after extraordinary developments, space travel by rocket tech nology has reached its limits and a new paradigm is re- quired to make a big step forward in space propulsion; a step that should enable the exploration of nearby star systems and possibly the whole galaxy. These goals may seem unreachable with the current understanding of physics. Anyway with an open mind and a prag matic approach, it is well known that we are dealing with opinions that are often suggested by the lack of interdisciplinary approach es to complex problems. It often happened that when so called theoretical limits were found wrong, accidental dis- coveries have shown why the good theory was errone- ously applied the first time. An alternative to accidental discoveries are pieces of knowl Review on Gravitational wave propulsion Ching Lee University of Trento, Italy edge gathered from hun- dreds of research papers from different disciplines com- bined in an unusual way to create new concepts. They are normally rejected by experts of their single research field, thus painstaking efforts are required to simply communi- cate the new concept and let it grow in the laboratories. At the and of the last century numerous theoretical efforts have started to show that Gravitational Waves (GWs) have not only astronomical and astrophysicalrelevance, but they also have technological applica tions. Among them, sev- eral theories have approaches identified for telecommuni- cation, imaging, material processing, and space propul- sion. This paper summarizes results of past analyses, in cluding proposed examples, in order to build a modern theoreti cal framework for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The framework consists of families of generators of gravitational waves, which have been theorized but still require experimentation, and models of thrust generation. High efficiency generators are based on co  herent sources, for instance synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, based on coherent spin-2 transitions in s-wave/d wave superconductors, and the nuclear electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-converting transducer, based on dineutrons. After gravitational wave generation is successfully proven in the laboratory, it will be pos- sible to apply a concept developed in the field of cosmology. It was found that the back- ground energy density may give mass to the graviton, which in turn may allow gravitons to produce thrust. Local background energy density can be increased by charging materials with high dielectric constant in close proximity to the wave generating elements. Focused Gravita tional Waves may also produce singularities, where the radiation is converted into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitational singularities will set an n-body gravitating system among them selves, the spacecraft, and the remaining bodies of the universe, with obvious propulsive effects. Applications of the present anal ysis will lead to a unique propulsion system capable of enabling the fast exploration of the solar system, the local star system, and possibly the whole galaxy proposed models, so as to construct an advanced hypothetical structure for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The structure com prises of groups of generators of gravitational waves, which have been hypothesized yet require experimentation, and models of push age. High effectiveness generators depend on cognizant sources, for example synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, in light of cognizant turn 2 changes in s-wave/d-wave super conductors, and the atomic electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-changing over transducer, in view of dineutrons. After gravitational wave age is effectively demonstrated in the research center, it will be pos-sible to apply an idea created in the field of cosmology. It was discovered that the back-ground vitality thick ness may offer mass to the graviton, which thus may permit gravi tons to produce push. Nearby foundation vitality thickness can be expanded by accusing materials of high dielectric steady in close ness to the wave producing components. Centered Gravitational Waves may likewise create singularities, where the radiation is changed over into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitation al singularities will set a n-body floating framework among them selves, the rocket, and the rest of the assortments of the universe, with clear propulsive impacts. Uses of the current examination will prompt an extraordinary drive framework fit for empowering the quick investigation of the nearby planetary group, the neigh borhood star framework, and potentially the entire system. On a general basis, a vehicle traveling in space requires energy and a reaction mass to accelerate and reach useful speeds. Usually the reaction mass is the mass of the pro- pellant, which in most circumstances has also the role of energy source. Vehicles that are not required to carry re- action masses are more efficient and light weight, but con- ventional ones are limited in scope. It is a fact that, after extraordinary developments, space travel by rocket tech nology has reached its limits and a new paradigm is re- quired to make a big step forward in space propulsion; a step that should enable the exploration of nearby star systems and possibly the whole galaxy. These goals may seem unreachable with the current understanding of physics. Anyway with an open mind and a prag matic approach, it is well known that we are dealing with opinions that are often suggested by the lack of interdisciplinary approach es to complex problems. It often happened that when so called theoretical limits were found wrong, accidental dis- coveries have shown why the good theory was errone- ously applied the first time. An alternative to accidental discoveries are pieces of knowl Review on Gravitational wave propulsion Ching Lee University of Trento, Italy edge gathered from hun- dreds of research papers from different disciplines com- bined in an unusual way to create new concepts. They are normally rejected by experts of their single research field, thus painstaking efforts are required to simply communi- cate the new concept and let it grow in the laboratories. At the and of the last century numerous theoretical efforts have started to show that Gravitational Waves (GWs) have not only astronomical and astrophysicalrelevance, but they also have technological applica tions. Among them, sev- eral theories have approaches identified for telecommuni- cation, imaging, material processing, and space propul- sion. This paper summarizes results of past analyses, in cluding proposed examples, in order to build a modern theoreti cal framework for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The framework consists of families of generators of gravitational waves, which have been theorized but still require experimentation, and models of thrust generation. High efficiency generators are based on co  herent sources, for instance synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, based on coherent spin-2 transitions in s-wave/d wave superconductors, and the nuclear electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-converting transducer, based on dineutrons. After gravitational wave generation is successfully proven in the laboratory, it will be pos- sible to apply a concept developed in the field of cosmology. It was found that the back- ground energy density may give mass to the graviton, which in turn may allow gravitons to produce thrust. Local background energy density can be increased by charging materials with high dielectric constant in close proximity to the wave generating elements. Focused Gravita tional Waves may also produce singularities, where the radiation is converted into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitational singularities will set an n-body gravitating system among them selves, the spacecraft, and the remaining bodies of the universe, with obvious propulsive effects. Applications of the present anal ysis will lead to a unique propulsion system capable of enabling the fast exploration of the solar system, the local star system, and possibly the whole galaxy.

Sep 30, 2020

“Holy Grail” –Proof of Cosmic Objects Without a Hard Surface Confined Within an Invisible Boundary

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics


Albert Einstein described black holes as strange objects “where God divided by zero.” An international team of astrophysicists has now confirmed that black holes are a distinct “species” from neutron stars –comparable to black holes in mass and size but confined within a hard surface, unlike black holes, an exotic cosmic object without a hard surface predicted by Einstein’s theory of General Relativity that do not have a surface, and are confined within an invisible boundary, called an event horizon, from within which nothing, not even light, can escape.

Hidden in NASA Archival X-ray Data

Continue reading “‘Holy Grail’ --Proof of Cosmic Objects Without a Hard Surface Confined Within an Invisible Boundary” »

Sep 29, 2020

Ask Ethan: Have We Finally Found Evidence For A Parallel Universe?

Posted by in category: cosmology

There’s some amazing science happening at the South Pole, but some very grandiose claims being made. What’s actually going on?

Sep 29, 2020

Microsoft Flight Simulator Glitch Creates Interstellar-Style Black Hole

Posted by in categories: cosmology, space travel

A void is consuming Microsoft Flight Simulator.