Dr. Marco A. Wiering
Marco A. Wiering, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor with Tenure Track in the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Groningen.
Marco finished his Ph.D. with the thesis Explorations in Efficient Reinforcement Learning in 1999 at the University of Amsterdam, while he did his research at IDSIA in Switzerland. From January 2000 until September 2007 he was an assistant professor at University Utrecht.
Marco is now pursuing a tenure track at the university of Groningen in the field of cognitive robotics. He is researching the fields of machine learning, especially reinforcement learning, robotics, and machine vision.
He authored Convergence and Divergence in Standard and Averaging Reinforcement Learning and Hierarchical Mixtures of Naive Bayesian Classifiers, and coauthored Learning Team Strategies: Soccer Case Studies, Shifting Inductive Bias with Success-Story Algorithm Adaptive Levin Search, and Incremental Self-Improvement, Simple Principles of Metalearning, Reinforcement Learning Soccer Teams with Incomplete World Models, Intelligent Traffic Light Control, A Model Based Method for Automatic Facial Expression Recognition, Post-Processing for MCMC, and A Serial Population Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Optimization Problems.
In addition to his Ph.D., Marco studied computer science and artificial intelligence from 1989 to 1995 at the University of Amsterdam and graduated Cum Laude with the thesis TD Learning of Game Evaluation Functions with Hierarchical Neural Architectures.