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Professor Marcin Miłkowski

Marcin Miłkowski, Ph.D. is Associate Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is a philosopher of cognitive sciences focused on computational linguistics and AI.

In 2013, he published the book Explaining the Computational Mind on computational explanation in cognitive science. The book was the basis of his habilitation in Poland (something like tenure).

His current project is Cognitive Science in Search of Unity — a 5-year project funded by the National Science Centre, and he’s building a team of philosophers of cognitive science who deal with question of unification and mechanistic integration of models.

Marcin is Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki (Philosophical-Literary Review), editor in Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics, and member of the advisory board of Avant. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies. During 2005–2011, he was a member of the executive board of the Center for Philosophical Research, and since 2009, he is secretary of the Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy of Science.

His publications include The Great English-Polish Dictionary, Beyond Description: Naturalism and Normativity, Regarding the Mind, Naturally: Naturalist Approaches to the Sciences of the Mental, PoliMorf: a (not so) new open morphological dictionary for Polish, Beyond formal structure: A mechanistic perspective on computation and implementation, Is computationalism trivial?, Satisfaction conditions in anticipatory mechanisms, Explanatory completeness and idealization in large brain simulations: a mechanistic perspective, The hard problem of content: Solved (long ago), and A mechanistic account of computational explanation in cognitive science.

Marcin earned his M.A. in Philosophy at the University of Warsaw in 2000 with the thesis “Freedom as Creativity. Nietzsche’s significance for Analytical Philosophy” and his Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Warsaw in 2005 with the dissertation “Mind Design. Common-sense intuitions vs. naturalism in Daniel Dennett’s philosophy of mind”. He was awarded the 2015 Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy by the International Association for Computing and Philosophy.

Watch Explaining Hallucinations Computationally. A Mechanistic Perspective, Marcin Miłkowski. Read his Google Scholar Citations. Read his Academia profile, LinkedIn profile, and Wikipedia profile (Polish). View his Facebook page and his GitHub page. Follow his Twitter feed.