Jean Morency
Jean Morency is CEO at ComplianceAid and Partner & Consultant at LLC.
ComplianceAid provides advisory services pertaining to Anti-Money Laundering, Counter Terrorism Financing, and Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. is a database of international sanctions, terrorists, and politically exposed persons (PEP).
Jean has provided guidance on AML & FATCA to business executives, regulators, senior public servants, and members of legislature & ministers across the Americas. He has cowrote several AML & FATCA training programs. He coauthored over a dozen articles on Anti-Money Laundering & FATCA.
His current professional interests revolve around compliance issues related to the Fine Arts and digital currencies (cryptocurrencies) such as Bitcoin & Litecoin. He also supervises the development of AML software.
Jean earned his BS in Art, Film, & Television Production at Université Laval in 1993.
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