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Dr. Dmitry V. Bulavin

Dmitry V. Bulavin, M.D., Ph.D., is the Laboratory Head and Principal Investigator at the Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging (IRCAN) in Nice, France. Previously, he was the Principal Investigator and lead of his lab at The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB). His academic research is primarily in the field of cancer and aging molecular biology, with particular emphasis on the role of DNA damage and stress response signaling.

In 2004, Dmitry published a series of articles regarding the Wip1 phosphatase inhibition of tumorigenesis through p38 MAP kinase, and after establishing his lab in 2004 at IMCB in Singapore, he continued interrogating the role of Wip1 phosphatase in cancer but also in aging. Through generation and detailed analysis of multiple mouse models, his research established a key role of Wip1 phosphatase and p38 MAP kinase in several pathological conditions and in aging.

Since joining IRCAN in 2014, he has focused his research on the role of senescence in numerous pathological conditions including aging, stress response, and oncogenesis.

Dmitry earned his M.D. and Ph.D. from the Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia. He carried out his postdoctoral training at the National Cancer Institute, NIH in the USA, where he established a role of p38MAPK in negative regulation of tumorigenesis and the key role of phosphatase Wip1 as a potent human oncogene — both directions are now widely pursued in the cancer field.

Dmitry is participating at the Undoing Aging 2019 Conference. In his talk, Dmitry is presenting the analysis of 2 novel knock-in mouse models that allow us to track and selectively eliminate senescent cells. He further discusses how this knowledge could help to improve anti-aging research.

Follow is a list of his more notable publications, with the ones in bold as the most relevant to his current research at IRCAN:

Read his media coverage in EurekAlert after Dmitry uncovered a potential drug target to fight cancer.

Visit his ResearchGate, PubFacts, and Semantic Scholar profiles. Visit his lab homepage.