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Daniel Charboneau, CISSP

Daniel Charboneau, CISSP is Vice President Strategic Partnerships and OEM at Spigit.

Diversity of insight is often the source of the most innovative solutions. Spigit is a platform that enables organizations to tap into the collective intelligence of employees, customers, partners and fans to help tackle business objectives.

By incorporating game mechanics, Spigit first engages your people at scale. Using social algorithms Spigit then leverages this crowd to do the heavy lifting and surface and vet the most promising ideas through collaboration. Finally, with big data analytics Spigit pinpoints actionable and predictive information that drives results.

The largest and most innovative companies in the world use Spigit including, AAA, US Bank, City of New York, Estee Lauder, and Capgemini.

Daniel was previously Security Business Development Manager at Cisco, National Channel Systems Engineer at Cisco Systems, Director Information Security at NovaStar Financial, and Senior Systems Administrator at Xceligent.

His specialities are network theory, emergence, complex adaptive systems, operations, innovation, network & systems architecture, compliance, auditing, and security policy.

Read his LinkedIn profile. Follow his Twitter feed. Read his blog.