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Dr. Arnauld E. Nicogossian

Arnauld E. Nicogossian, M.D. is a Distinguished Research Professor and Director of the Center for Study of International Medical Policies and Practices, at the School of Public Policy, George Mason University (SPP/GMU). He conducts research in biodefense and health policy, and teaches the concentration and certificate “Global Challenges and Threats and Medical Policy”, graduate courses that he helped create for GMU. He is also the Director of Public Policy for the International Society of Microbial Resistance (ISMR). He is a member of the National American Red Cross Advisory Committee.

Arnauld served as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Associate Administrator for Life and Microgravity Sciences, Designate Agency Health and Safety official, Chief Medical Officer and Senior Advisor for Health Affairs. He managed and funded an extensive portfolio of research and development in the areas of space biology, medicine, physics, and chemistry. He was also responsible for the oversight of the NASA workforce occupational and astronaut’s health programs.

Arnauld is a Diplomat of the American Board of Preventive Medicine (Aerospace), holds a Masters in Science degree from Ohio State University, and is licensed to practice medicine in the State of Virginia. He served as President of three professional societies, and holds a teaching faculty appointment at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, American College of Preventive Medicine, Aerospace Medical Association, the American Astronautical Society, and a full member of the International Academy of Astronautics.

He has received numerous awards and medals from the U.S. and foreign governments for contributions to education and humanitarian help using telemedicine. He is a Foreign Member of the Armenian Academy of Sciences and a Distinguished Lecturer at the Moscow State University, Russia. He has been the recipient of two NASA Distinguished Service Medals, the Senior Executive Service, Presidential Rank and the NASA Inventions and Contributions Awards.

Arnauld has published extensively in the peer reviewed literature. Together with Academician Gazenko he edited the four volumes of the Joint US–Russian Space Biology and Medicine published in English and Russian by the AIAA (2005) and Nauka Press and he is the contributor to several text books. He is also the senior editor of the classic textbook Space Physiology and Medicine.

His expertise is in program management, strategic planning and execution of research and technology development, health and medical policy analysis and evaluation, global public health, aerospace medicine, and internal medicine.

Read Arnauld Nicogossian Retires After More Than 30 Years With NASA.