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Alfred B. Anzaldua, M.A.

Alfred B. Anzaldua, M.A. is the Executive Vice President and Chair of the NSS Policy Committee and the NSS International Committee at the National Space Society. He is a retired U.S. diplomat and long-time space development advocate.

Al worked for 16 years with the Foreign Service of the U.S. State Department. He carried out diplomatic and science-related work, primarily in Latin American, Caribbean countries, and Washington DC, including as Consular Officer, Economics Officer, and Science and Environment Officer. Read Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007, Report and Overview and Acknowledgements.

Al has served in various positions for the National Space Society, including Executive Vice President, Chair of the Policy Committee, and Chair of the International Committee. He continues as a member of the Policy Committee, International Committee, and Board Director.

He is the leading author of policy papers within the NSS Policy Committee and is active in giving talks and exhibitions in English and Spanish advocating for human settlement of the Moon, Mars, and orbiting/rotating habitats dating back to 1985.

Outside of NSS, Al has published and authored a series of articles on space-development issues in The Space Review, The Reflector, Ad Astra, and other publications, including the 5th volume of the Aerospace Technology Working Group Book published by the Secure World Foundation. Read Let’s take down the menace to our space dreams and The Lunar Development Cooperative: A new idea for enabling lunar settlement.

Al has intermittently served as President of the Tucson L5 Space Society since the 1980s, with a long hiatus while working as a U.S. diplomat from 1993 to 2009. He is an Officer and Board member of the Tucson Chapter of NSS and has been actively promoting NSS for over 30 years.

He also serves as a board member of the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, as a docent for the Planetary Science Institute, and was a past board member of the Moon Society.

Al joined Space Renaissance SRI as a member and is sitting in the SRI Board of Directors. He is also in the Legal Council of the For All Moonkind and in the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Watch Turning orbital trash into treasure – Al Anzaldùa.

Al earned his Master’s Degree of Arts in Latin American Studies from the University of Arizona in 1989 studying Latin America and the border area between the U.S. and Mexico. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in International Studies from Bradley University in 1977. He also earned his Biology Major in General Science Pre-Med Curriculum at the Southern Illinois University in Carbondale in 1973.

Al is married with children and grandchildren. He lives in Tucson, Arizona, but spends much of his time in Sauzal, near Ensenada, Mexico.

Listen to The Space Show Broadcast 3714 Alfred Anzaldua.

Read The National Space Society Advances A United Nations Sustainable Development Goal For Human Space Expansion, Alum explores the costs of doing business in space, and Op-ed | H.R. 5666 will launch the U.S. in the wrong direction.

Watch An 18th SDG: Space for All, on Earth and Beyond and read its press release.

Visit his LinkedIn profile and NSS profile. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.