Dr. Alexander Zhavoronkov
Zhavoronkov, Ph.D. is a director and trustee of the Biogerontology
Research Foundation, a UK-based registered charity supporting aging
research worldwide. He is also the director of the
International Aging
Research Portfolio (IARP) knowledge management project and author of
The Ageless Generation: How Advances in Biomedicine Will Transform
Global Economy.
The IARP system includes
the NIH, EC, and international funding and publications databases and
is designed to support scientists, funding organizations and policy
makers involved in aging research. The goal of the IARP project is to
help develop a roadmap in natural and social and behavioral sciences
to extend healthy working life and improve education of the elderly.
He also heads NeuroG, a neuroinformatics project intended to assist
the elderly suffering from dementia.
Prior to IARP, Alex
worked as the
director of ATI Technologies (acquired by AMD), GTCBio, Mediox, Colby
Pharmaceutical Company and General Nano Optics. He consulted and
helped set up many initiatives with a mission to improve senior
productivity and extend health span.
Alex holds two Bachelor Degrees from Queen’s University, a Master’s in
Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University, and a Ph.D. in
Biophysics from the Moscow State University.
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