Success Through Swiss Specialness
I have a most-successful well-to-do Swiss friend in Zurich, operating worldwide, who argues, “…Andres, doing business is holding a conversation with the right people …” You share his thought in North America and people think it a naivete. My friend is, regardless, absolutely wise by any known and unknown measure.
I have known penniless educated people, both young and in advanced ages, with great smarts and promissory ideas, but extremely imprudent and tactless that keep themselves in a limbo loop of not accomplishing anything because of their abject lack of true immemorial wisdom. Well, this friend of mine is exactly a testimony of the outright contrary.
He is the most industrious and fun person I have ever met, from Monday through Monday, 24÷7÷365, all of the time. He strongly reminds me of my thyself.
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